RefraVision. We design the future!

  • We know about the very special challenges associated with digitalisation and Industry 4.0.
  • We see great potential and opportunities for our business sectors.
  • We have visions, and the RefraVision division represents the very special value we place on these visions. MORE...


A team of innovative, highly motivated employees works at smoothing the way into the digital future for the M-Group and its wide range of business sectors. 

Cooperative arrangements with the Fraunhofer Institute, with start-ups and with specialised university faculties open our horizons and provide good synergies in many areas. Our gaze is always on the future, from the development of efficient robotic assembly technology, to logistics systems, to visionary repair planning and digital kiln monitoring. 

For all of our digitalisation euphoria, the development work done by the RefraVision team isn’t an end unto itself. Instead, it is solely oriented on actual practice and related to its application. Our customers and partners are important impulse providers who we naturally include in our developments. 

We invest up to 20% of our company profits annually into the future, and we revel in the “freaks” and specialists who join us on this journey!